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Robert Jordan is sick

When I was a kid, back in the day, I read up to book 6 of The Wheel of Time. It seemed that after book 3 the series went into an exponential decay of quality…and I couldn’t handle the flat female characters and I ditched in book 6. Well, turns out that he’s churned out 11 books total. A friend of mine once joked about “Egwene’s Paradox,” which was a variant of Zeno’s Paradox. Basically, one of the main characters (Egwene) had a destination, and as she proceeded her velocity dropped in every single book so that she would never reach the terminus. Well, I hear she did reach her goal, though I also read one book followed only one day!
Anyway, so the main point here is that Jordan was diagnosed with a heart condition. The median life expectancy is 4 years. He’s working on the concluding book to his saga. Who would have thought it ended like this?

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