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Who you are thread….

I haven’t posted one of these in a long time. My own assumption is that I know the core readership of this weblog through various means relating to comments (many of you connect your email addresses to Facebook, and usually I can do an IP trace if that’s not feasible). But I know many people do not comment, so this is an opportunity to “out” yourself and such (also, over the years there has been some talk about “networking” by readers who share common eclectic interests).


One aspect of this blog which many readers seem to not understand because I am not anonymous is that I do consciously work to keep my online and offline lives rather separate (e.g., in real life I don’t tell my friends they’re being stupid in those terms if they are being stupid). But in the interest of kicking things off I’ll divulge a fact about me which close readers are now fully aware of: I will be a father soon (this is why I had to nix my earlier plans to go to ScienceOnline2012). And no, this is not going to be a “natural child.” From that you should be able to make another inference about my life! In any case, this is not a big disclosure because at some point I will be interested in doing some genetic analyses, as I have all my future daughter’s grandparents genotyped.

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