Substack cometh, and lo it is good. (Pricing)

Open Thread, 9/6/2015

51X30zMkuYL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_After In God’s Path I noticed that Amazon recommended I check out Dividing the Spoils: The War for Alexander the Great’s Empire. So I bought it. Alexander to Actium is pretty far back in my history, so it seems appropriate to “catch-up” on the genesis of the Hellenistic era. But right now I’m back to A New History of Western Philosophy, which has been slow going…. I think part of the issue here is that it is always a slog to work your way through ideas which I feel are not relevant in any direct fashion today, but are of interest as intellectual history and backdrop. And I haven’t even gotten to The Shape of Ancient Thought and Warriors of the Cloisters.

This pre-print, Analyses of Eurasian wild and domestic pig genomes reveals long-term gene-flow during domestication, has now been published. It’s pretty interesting, as it suggests the complexity of animal domestication. Contrast this with how clear the process is in plants.

In other news, check out the demographics of those admitted to Harvard this year.

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