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It’s not a Marvel film

A friend invited me to watch the new Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie with him on a spur of the moment. I won’t say much about the film (it was OK, but way, way, too much prologue, and too little Wonder Woman). A bunch of us waited during the credits for teasers afterward. At some point an attendant came out, and told us that “this isn’t a Marvel film, there are no teasers….” I got up to leave but noticed that half the audience stayed in their seats as the attendant explained that he’d “watched the film twice already, there are no teasers. Really.” As I was exiting I looked back and it was clear that some people were stubbornly staying in their seats, and the attendant was cleaning up and mumbling there were no teasers and everyone should just go home now.

It’s going to be a long weekend for that guy.

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