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Friday Fluff – December 10th, 2010

FF3 1. First, a post from the past: Natural selection of a human gene: FUT2.

2. Weird search query of the week: “cognitive miser”.

3.Comment of the week, in response to The history of us all:

1. I take it you think Angus Maddison’s Contours of the World Economy 1-2030 AD is too technical for a general reading list?

2. Some other ‘easy to read but rather informative books’ on social/economic history:

Alfred Crosuby’s Environmental Imperialism

William McNiell’s Plagues and Peoples

3. Razib, have you reviewed After Tamerlane before? I have not read the book myself, but have heard much good and bad about it. What is your take on the book?

See, not always making fun of people Clark.

4) I’m excited about The Game of Thrones, but I’d be more excited if Martin got the next book out sooner than later. Anyone else with me?

5) And finally, your weekly fluff fix:

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