Substack cometh, and lo it is good. (Pricing)

Open Thread, 9/18/2016

What’s going on?

51I89uOM0AL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Very busy, so haven’t gotten much further in The Dialectical Imagination, but I do have to say that the distinction between “positive freedom” and “negative freedom” is a useful one to highlight at this point. The comments below make me unsure about the influence of the Frankfurt School on modern socio-political movements, but the ideal of a utopian end state for society which enshrine a vision of the good definitely seems to be one of the things that moderns have lost. Rather, a lot of identity politics talk seems to be about positional games and status competition. The perpetual revolution.

At the suggestion of a reader I purchased Explaining Postmodernism. The Kindle version is $4.99.

There was an ancient DNA convention in England. It turns out that the original Polynesians may not have had much Melanesian ancestry, implying multiple migrations into Far Oceania.

The impact of recent population history on the deleterious mutation load in humans and close evolutionary relatives.

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