My top posts?

The fact that platforms tend to disappear has started to make me wonder: what posts should I figure out a way to preserve for posterity?

Do any long-time readers have opinions? I’m not talking popular posts necessarily even, that I can find through google analytics.

(note that I have my full archives on this site, so if you want to some for something that you vaguely remember that should be doable)

Most popular GNXP post of all time?

Was talking to a friend and mentioned offhand that the most popular GNXP post of all time was written in 2010 very casually and because of a question on Twitter posed by Jason Goldman. At 700,000 Google Analytics sessions it periodically still gets bumped up by places like Reddit.

The book to the right is a pretty big clue. Can you guess the post? I’m posting the link in the comments below….