Saturday, November 22, 2008

Reader Request   posted by Jason Malloy @ 11/22/2008 07:56:00 PM

Dear Readers,

Currently I'm compiling my own dataset of international cognitive test scores. Right now I'm moving on to China. China contains nearly 20% of the human species, with every province being the size of a large country, so it would be nice to get a fuller picture for China than other places. The good news here is that Chinese scientists have engaged in a good deal of intelligence testing. The bad news (for me) is that most of these studies are confined to Chinese language journals.

I'm looking for a temporary collaborator who can read Chinese to help me find and extract data from Chinese language studies. Ability to read Chinese and curiosity about the subject are all you really need.

If you are interested, please contact me by clicking my name above.

Also if any readers are at an institution with electronic access to many Chinese journals (such as the following) and are willing to share the wealth, please contact me as well.
