Chris Mooney has an
article up on the Intelligent Design movement. It certainly exhibits design, though less intelligence in my opinion. As Mooney notes, at least the Young Earth Creationists are intellectually coherent, and more importantly,
honest [1].
Update: I suggest everyone who is curious about the explanatory powers of Darwinism and critiques by the ID-folks to check out
Boston Review and its
evolution archive, in particular H. Allen Orr's articles which respond to Behe et al. in detail.
[1] Oh yes, I know that the YEC distort science, using the thickness of moon-dust to prove that the world must be 10,000 years old, but in the broad brush, they are what they are, Defenders of the Faith. The ID people are more faithless and disingenuous than either the YEC or evil goat-horned evolutionists. We take our stands, with
sola scriptura or methodological naturalism.