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The evolution of blogging

Lots of chatter about The Blogosphere 2.0, a post which has 7 bullet points:
– The A-List Doesn’t Matter Anymore
– It’s all about niche blogs
– Blogger Burn Out
– Reader burn out
– MSM yawns
– Huffington Post.
– Twitter and Facebook
Not much I’d disagree with in the generality. Multiple times that politics/general interest weblogs have linked to me it is noted that I’m a “specialist/technical weblog,” but I really think everyone is focused on a specific area at this point. It’s just that political and policy weblogs seem to think everyone has a general interest in their topic. Also, I do think the “A-List” matters a little more than the author of the above post, especially for new blogs who just aren’t on anyone’s radar.

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