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Samsung Galaxy S8 is pretty good

One of the more convenient things with having a blog that has more than a few readers is that you can ask questions and get some answers.

Recently I was figuring out whether I’d go full-Apple, and get an iPhone. I got a lot of feedback, but ultimately I decided to to be boring and get a Samsung Galaxy S8.

The verdict? Bixby sucks. Everything else is pretty good. Would recommend.

2 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy S8 is pretty good

  1. I recently switched from a very old Samsung to a slightly less old Nexus. Aside from now having root access, I’m not liking it as much. Although now it occurs to me that it doesn’t misinterpret my use of the “Home” key to be a call to S-Voice, which I never actually used.

    I hadn’t even heard of Bixby. Couldn’t they have tried using a name more dissimilar from “Siri”?

  2. I think the Note 8 is a great device and one of the most powerful Android devices on the market. Completely agree with the post and thanks for posting. Do you have a social media I can follow?

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